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8 Proven Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet that You Should Know

Obesity and lifestyle-related diseases have been on the rise lately. Lifestyle-related conditions have particularly become a problem in America because of the bad diets and unhealthy eating habits.
Within the Mediterranean nations, mortality remains low and people live healthier lives. This is attributed to the Mediterranean diet that they adhere to, and the healthy cooking methods used. The Mediterranean diet is predominantly based on plant foods that include beans, peas, lentils, whole grains, nuts, vegetables and fruits.

The source of protein is usually white meat and fish while red meat is consumed only a few times in a month. There is also a lot of emphasis on fresh food and it is common for you to find people avoiding junk food, processed food and the ready-made meals like the plague.

Except for just a few months, I have been following the Mediterranean diet for close to four years now. In return, I have been rewarded with an array of benefits that we never imagined, including great health, balanced weight and super-delicious meals.
If you desire great health benefits, then you should not hesitate to embrace this diet. Here are our eight major reasons that you should embrace this diet today.

  1. Numerous Health Benefits

This is the No. 1 reason for embracing the Mediterranean Diet. According to research, the Mediterranean diet is a proven fighter of inflammation, maintains the skin looking fresh, eases pain and minimizes the risk of cancer.

It will keep your heart healthy and take care of your brain since it requires ingredients that have numerous antioxidants, including the berries and nuts. More importantly, the diet will keep you aging better and living longer. In this section, we describe the healthy benefits.

  • Improved heart health

This diet predominantly uses olive oil, seed oils and fish oils that benefit the heart because of their unsaturated nature. When you consume these healthy fats, you could get about 40% of the calories. Normally, 30% of your calories should be obtained from fat.

  • Weight can be easily controlled

The Mediterranean diet will enable you to limit saturated or animal fats due to the consumption of low quantities of meat. Trans-fats that are normally obtained in hydrogenated oil are also rare. The diet limits the consumption of dairy products including yogurt, cheese and milk. Lower intake of these fats is instrumental for weight loss.

However, one should also combine this with physical activity, smaller portions (apart from vegetables) and sticking to it for at least six months in order to obtain long-lasting results. If you can, it is recommended that you consume the low fat dairy.

  • Reduce your risk of diabetes, Parkinson’s disease and stroke

The diet has lots of fiber because of the high intake of vegetables, nuts and grains. These foods are instrumental for slowing down digestion and preventing the spiking of blood sugar levels. This certainty is crucial for helping you to minimize your risk of becoming diabetic. Take nuts such as walnuts, almonds as well as pistachios rather than sweet pastry.

When a blood vessel bursts as it moves towards the brain, you could have a stroke. To keep these vessels healthy, you should have numerous antioxidants that can be obtained from vegetables and fruits that are abundant in a Mediterranean Diet. Experts argue that men who have higher lycopene levels (lycopene is found in tomatoes, red fruit and veggies) have a 55% less likelihood of having a stroke. Many meals in this diet have tomatoes, and you should ensure that you add them to any snack, pasta sauces and salads.

When you eat this diet, you will also reduce your chances of getting the Parkinson’s disease by 50%. People suffering from the Parkinson’s disease find that coordination and their movement are significantly affected. Researchers sought to establish a probable connection between diet and Parkinson’s disease, and established that a diet based on legumes, fruit, fish, seaweed and plant foods have lower likelihood of suffering from this disease compared to those whose diet did not have these elements. Such diets are quite similar to the Mediterranean Diet.

  • Lowers Blood Pressure and Cholesterol

The consumption of less salt lowers your blood pressure. Mediterranean dishes use less salt because spices and herbs are utilized for flavouring food, which is healthier compared to adding more salt. An example is in Tuscany Italy where bread is not salted. Initially, this was not for health reasons, but due to the heavy taxation of salt during the 12th century. Despite this, Tuscans were able to save money and stay healthier. If you find it fit and possible, you can also reduce the use of salt in your dishes.

The Mediterranean diet predominantly uses olive oil. Rather than use butter, you can take a snack with olive oil on a slice of bread which is much healthier. Olive oils contain lots of unsaturated fats and this is crucial for ensuring that you have low density lipoprotein cholesterol. Always ensure that you opt for the virgin oil since this basically implies that there has been minimum processing. Add it to many of the dishes that you have and you will never go wrong.

  • Lower Risk of Dementia, Cancer and Alzheimer’s Disease

The Mediterranean Diet plays a role in delaying the onset of diseases. Consequently, ensure that you always have fruit as a snack whenever you feel hungry. When you consume the diet for a longer period, you will also have improved memory.

The other important health benefit is that you will minimize your risk to cancer. Various studies have been carried out on the role played by the Mediterranean Diet in preventing cancer. One of the studies established that olive oil was critical for minimizing breast cancer risk among women by about 62%. The other study disclosed that, for women, you will have less likelihood of getting womb cancer if you followed this diet.

  1. You eat fresh food

When you embrace this diet, you will not have to go down the frozen food path or the dreaded fast food aisle. Your focus will be seasonal food that is usually made in basic yet mouth-watering ways. Make a yummy salad using tomatoes, cucumbers and spinach.

The most important thing is that many of the meals are made from fresh meals, and you get all the nutrients from your favorite delicacy unlike the frozen or processed foods. Try out the Quick Light Greek Salad and the colorful Grilled Tomato Gazpacho and you will be for sure impressed.

  1. Delicious food

Not only will you eat fresh food, but this food is delicious. The Mediterranean crew loves the roasted vegetables in olive oil or the whole grain bread with a delicious concoction.

The advantage is that you will not be limited to the same unhealthy diets, but can come up with your own delicacies. Think this is good? Well, for me, as long as I do not overeat, it is all good. And not only that, as the diet promotes eating along with family friends.

  1. You are allowed to take wine, fat and bread

You will not need a calculator for the Mediterranean meal plan. Rather than adding up numbers, you eliminate the bad fats for the ones healthy for your heart. Instead of red meat, opt for poultry or fish. Skip the sugary and fancy desserts for the fresh fruits and veggies.

An interesting thing is that you are not forbidden from eating fat. You are only required to search for the right kind. You will find this fat in olive oil and nuts. These fats add flavor and fight off diseases. Try out the Basic Basil Pesto by incorporating it into your diet.

You can also have bread, but just ensure that you look for that made from whole grains. This is important because it is healthier compared to the white flour type. Try it out today and you will never regret.

A glass of wine is also allowed in many meals in numerous Mediterranean nations, where they consider dining to be social and leisurely. Studies suggest that having one glass for women and two for men in a day could be beneficial for your heart. Red wine is considered healthier than the white one. You can consult with your doctor to determine if it is ideal for you.

  1. No frequent hunger bouts

You get an opportunity to consume rich-tasting foods including hummus, the Lima Bean Spread and roasted sweet potatoes.

Because their digestion is slow, you will feel full for a longer period. Hunger will not be a problem for you when you can munch on olives, low-fat cheese and olives.

  1. Improves mood and concentration

Diet affects the way people feel about food. The Mediterranean Diet has healthy fats that could be the key for improving your mood. BNDF is the protein that regulates many of the brain functions, and changes in its levels could result in mental disorders including depression and schizophrenia.

Studies highlight that the consumption of foods with plenty of omega-3 fatty acids (found in some nuts and fish) could help in stabilization of BNDF levels. Sticking to a Mediterranean diet could enable you to maintain a high level of BNDF in case you have depression.
The diet is famous for its physical health benefits and is heralded as the latest weapon for addressing mental health issues. However, it does not substitute the traditional treatments.

  1. Easy to prepare

Some people say that they are worried because this diet entails a lot of cooking and ingredients. They also believe that finding these foods is tricky. However, you can hand-pick your tomatoes and salmon at the market during the weekend.

If this is tiresome or too much, you can easily find it at the local grocery store. The ingredients make the recipes so simple that you will not find it hectic. An example is primavera which basically involves cooking some pasta using olive oil and adding fresh garlic, tomatoes and any available veggies. It is that simple.

  1. You will never get bored

Because of the seasonal nature of the diet, you will be presented with new foods to select from. In case it is during the winter, one can eat oranges, while during the summer, you could get involved in delicious cherries.
You can make things interesting by sneaking in some dragon fruit and Chinese caqui. Getting bored of the diet is not an option because you can make your own recipe.

There you have it. The Mediterranean diet is a lifestyle rather than a simple diet. This life-style change is worth trying if you want to feel good and enjoy life. Give it a try and see the results for yourself.

Written by Adonijah Ngorere

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