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5 Most Dangerous Tourist Destinations in the World

Tourist destinations are supposed to be attractive, provide a relaxing atmosphere and nurturing environment. This is what attracts tourism in the first place, but there are some destinations that are known to be quite dangerous for tourism. Now, let’s take a look the five most dangerous tourist destinations in the world.


The troll stone is one of the most dangerous attractions in Norway. The stone is elevated up to 800 meters’ high, and it takes more one day and over 10 hours to get to the top. There are said to be some Australia women who crush to their death from the stone this year. Though that is the first reported death of the Trolltunga.

Running of the Bulls

This is an event that happens every year in Spain. In this event, six bulls are released unto the street and left to run freely for about 825 meters. The event attracts about 20000 people each year. Statistically, about 100 people get injured in this event. Over 15 deaths have been reported since its inception.

Mount Hua Shan

Mount Hua Shan is considered one of the most dangerous places for tourism because of the way it is structured.  Over a hundred people are estimated to lose their lives annually here.

El Caminito Del Rey

This is one of the most dangerous places in the world because you need to be extra cautious and careful when walking on it. It is only about a meter in width but is linked with two crisps that are about two hundred meters apart, one hundred meters in depth. Even though the path has been neglected, there has been over four death reported since the path was neglected.

Death Road

The death road is a road that stretches over 69 kilometers and is found in the youngest region of Bolivia. There are so many risks associated with this road and over 200 people have fall victims to death on this road.

To have a look at what these tourist destinations look like, watch the YouTube Video below!

Thank you!!!

Written by Charles Jason

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