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The Amazing Story Of How A Beautiful Baby Was Born Twice

Baby being born via Caesarean Section coming out


There are few things that give joy to newlyweds like the joy of pregnancy or the joy of hearing the first cry of your baby. Indeed, children are a blessing to the home and the society at large. Childbirth is the only way human civilization is sustained. And there is no way we are going into extinction because children are continually coming into the world… almost on a daily basis. Speaking of childbirth, there are stories here and there concerning unusual experiences associated with new children coming into the world. They are very few, though. Some are amazing while others are… horrifying. However, have you ever remotely thought it possible for children to be born twice? In this post, we bring you a real-world story of a child born twice. Stay tight.

It all began when Margaret was four months pregnant for her first child. As was expected, she was having a routine ultrasound to ensure her baby was in good condition. Then, on this particular occasion, the doctor realized her unborn child was having a rare tumor called teratoma. The cause for this tumor is yet to be determined, but it occurs more in girls than in boys. In certain cases, the tumor can be treated when the child is delivered, but Margaret’s case was different. It was a serious situation and the fetus with the tumor was competing for her blood. Medically, it won’t be long before her heart stopped pumping blood. Something had to be done urgently. The only solution was a weird one. Margaret would have to be operated upon. Her fetus would be removed and operated, then her uterus will be sewed back after the baby is successfully treated and placed back in the uterus. It wasn’t difficult for the to-be-parents to agree because it was their first baby and they wanted to “give her a chance at life”

The operation was a critical one. Many things could go wrong, and there wasn’t any absolute certainty that both the lives of the fetus and the to-be-mom will be safe. But they pulled through anyway. The fetus lasted about 20 long minutes outside her mother’s womb when she was being treated. Most of the tumors were successfully removed. In short, it was a successful operation. Mother and child pulled it through. About 20 weeks later, when the baby had reached full pregnancy time, she was delivered into the world as healthy as a baby could be. This was her second birth. Lynlee Hope – as the baby is called – came into this world because of the sheer faith and courage demonstrated by her parents. Her story drives home very important lessons that every new parent should learn. Never give up on your child, no matter what. The second point is, regular medical checkup during pregnancy can never be overemphasized. The tumor couldn’t have been discovered early if Margaret didn’t keep a routine appointment with her doctor.

Written by Clara Kendall

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