
10 Amazing, Rare Dog Breeds You Didn’t Know Existed

Rare Dog Breed- XoloitzcuintliXoloitzcuintli

The Xoloitzcuintli breed can be hairless or coated and comes in three different sizes; toy, miniature and standard. These fascinating breeds are said to have descended from the first dogs to set their paws in North America. In Mexico, that are famous doctor dogs known for their great body heat and comforting people with arthritis and other joint issues. A calm demeanor with a great intelligence is two characterizes that Xoloitzcuintli are known for. Their face portrays their intelligence while the wrinkle in their forehead shows their attentiveness. A fun fact about this dog breed with a complicated name is that they are named from the Aztek Indian God, Xolotl.

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Written by Amanda Meade


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